

About a week after I began using my iPhone, I was in love. I had a calendar with me at all times, and I was able to stay on top of my family’s schedule – even though there are six of us! I had email access while I was out, so I wasn’t constantly playing catch up with PTO business in the evening. Then I discovered apps! There are many apps to help busy moms manage their lives, but there are also just as many exclusively for kids. My children can watch videos, interact with their favorite characters, and practice letter-writing and math. No matter where my family goes, they can be entertained and I can have peace of mind knowing they’re learning even while they’re having fun. kid with iphone The iPhone Mom, dedicated to helping moms find apps that could do the same for them and their children. Since beginning the site, I’ve seen both the quantity and quality of useful apps for kids grow. Babble.com asked me to put together a list of my Top 50 iPhone Apps for Kids. Here, in descending order, are my favorites and the ones I think you’ll find most useful. –Heather Leister

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