Artificial Intelligence (AI) Transforming Education


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the field of computer science that focuses on making computers behave like humans. One of the most exciting areas of AI is the application of machine learning to education.

The field of artificial intelligence (AI) is advancing at an exponential rate. Today, computers are able to “think” like humans, performing tasks that would be difficult or impossible for humans to accomplish. Education is a sector that will be greatly impacted by AI. In the future, AI will be able to process large amounts of data and learn from its mistakes, enabling it to learn at a faster rate than humans. We have seen the Iceberg Effect till now.

Photo by Mathias P.R. Reding on

Lets see what big players and policy makers have to say: UNESCO’s mandate calls inherently for a human-centred approach to AI. It aims to shift the conversation to include AI’s role in addressing current inequalities regarding access to knowledge, research and the diversity of cultural expressions and to ensure AI does not widen the technological divides within and between countries. The promise of “AI for all” must be that everyone can take advantage of the technological revolution under way and access its fruits, notably in terms of innovation and knowledge. (Source : UNESCO)

The project consists of three independent but complementary strands:

  • Report proposing recommendations on AI-enabled futures of learning.
  • Guidance on ethical principles on the use of AI in education.
  • Guiding framework on AI competencies for school students

Top technology companies

Google, Microsoft, Apple, IBM, and Baidu are all substantially investing in artificial intelligence in education.

Google AI Education, for example, maintains a collection of AI experiments and offers AI courses, training materials, and guidelines.

People interested in studying AI for education or a profession can take use of Microsoft AI School’s learning routes. 

Weakness: When it comes to using AI in education, tech companies don’t expect to make money right now. They put their money on long-term research, investigations, and technical capabilities.

Strength: While such organizations are not specialists in education, their AI skills enable them to experiment with new ideas and develop their businesses.

The most well-known names in AI development in higher education and K-12 include Pearson, McGraw Hill, Cengage, and Knewton.

Knewton’s Alta, for example, is a digital platform focusing on AI-powered customized learning.

Large Publishers of educational content

Pearson has set up an AI section to concentrate on developing the correct Artificial Intelligence algorithms to help them become more efficient and appealing to their consumers.

Weakness: Educational providers are not as technologically specialized as technical enterprises.

Strength: They, on the other hand, use their extensive industry knowledge and large user base to expand traditional education into new areas.

Higher Ed institutes

The leaders include the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Harvard Kennedy School, Alan Turing Institute, and Oxford University.

They recognize that with AI, getting a head start is critical to success.

In 2015, Harvard Kennedy School was one of the first to support the AI Initiative. They began assembling a group of academics, students, and specialists to investigate and build Artificial Intelligence.

MIT announced a $1 billion investment in a new AI college in 2018 to develop AI talent for the future.

Strength: Universities have top AI talent and significant research funding when compared to tech firms and content suppliers.

Weakness: The institutes do not provide AI-powered software for commercial use. They are primarily concerned with developing talent and upskilling society.

EdTech startups

Riid, Cognii, Elsa, Memrise, and Alef are just a few EdTech AI firms with a global following.

Adaptive learning systems, tutoring AI, smart grading, and educational chatbots are just a few examples of AI software for education.

Alef, for example, illustrates the use of artificial intelligence in the K-12 classroom. Students get individualized multimedia information and may learn at their own speed with an AI-powered educational system. Teachers deliver adaptive lessons as well as AI-recommended interventions to help and assist pupils.

Weakness: Startups are often newer and smaller than other market competitors. It implies they’re more likely to have insufficient or irregular finance, a tiny skill pool, and a lack of well-established sector roles.

Strength: EdTech businesses are more market-oriented than traditional startups. They are more willing to try out new technology and concepts. They’re also more adaptable when it comes to presenting their solutions.

Given the pandemic’s impact and the fact that the global EdTech industry is predicted to reach USD 341 billion by 2025, now appears to be an ideal opportunity to obtain a piece of the pie.

Learn more about the emerging innovators in education that are experimenting with artificial intelligence. my experience and thoughts in this area.

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  1. Dr.Kenny says:

    @learningprep2020 thank for read this

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