How to Become a Bartender

To all the full-time students, travelers, or people just looking to make some good extra cash, Bartending is an awesome paying, part time job to consider. I was once a full-time student that had no help from my family for costs of school or bills. I like everyone else had bills to pay, had obligations to…

DIY : Mixologists Mellon Mocktail

Melon Ball Punch Recipe (Summer in a Glass!) Here goes DIY this way Step 1 Buy 3 diffrent melons from your local market, wash them and cut it into tow half. Make sure you have removed the visible seeds. Now with your mellon ball scopper start scopping your melon balls 🙂  as shown below. Step…

Discover Japan 

Arigato 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 for visiting here. My recent short stay in Japan a business visit made me realize that we can still be rooted to our base culture even in this mordern techno world.  There you buy passes as Japanese Tourisum has introduced “Discover Japan” under which you can visit exclusive places. I had heard from…

What Men Know About Women?

Hi …I’m Ken happy to let you know *my book on which I’ve been working for *2 years now ​have been published…. ​ source / Just for Laugh

DIY 3 steps: Wine Condom – innovation at its unexpected level 

LONDON — Of all the things worth protecting, wine is most certainly a top priority. That’s why someone had the top-notch idea of creating a “wine condom” for your prized bottle of wine. No, we’re not talking about wine-flavoured condoms (though that’s a great idea). These condoms are actually really useful wine stoppers that create…